Thursday, July 12, 2012

Traditional Chinese Medicine

All of today we spent on a traditional Chinese medicine field trip.  In the morning we went to a museum, and in the afternoon we visited a university specializing in TCM.  The presentation they gave us was fascinating, talking about natural remedies, qi meridians, yin and yang balance, accupunture, etc; although, from the perspective of someone raised with Western medicine at least, the logic was rather sketchy (a word I seem to be using a lot in China).  A few of the students got the chance to try out the cupping and acupuncture.

I went out exploring the city some more after school with some friends, one of which is actually Japanese.  It is hilarious to watch as natives turn to her and rattle off Chinese expecting her to translate for the Caucasian Americans.  It seems hard for some to grasp that not all Americans are white and not all white people are American.

I saw foreigners for the first time since being in Chengdu!  One woman was in a Starbucks, and another couple was in a McDonalds.  Ironic...

1 comment:

  1. Did you try acupuncture? I want to try it sometime, but probably not in China (there are a lot of shady "acupuncture" places there) haha. Heck, there are a lot of shady/rip-off anything in China :) good 'ol zhongguo! Of all the foreigners, you speak the best Chinese, right?
