Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Please Honk Appropriately

There is a surfeit of American fast food chains in China, especially McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and KFC.  The winner by far is KFC; so many people here LOVE Fried chicken.  They even have multiple knock-off KFCs that sell more cheap fried chicken.  All of the American-brand restaurants are a lot different, though.  McDonalds burgers are spicy unless requested otherwise.  Pizza Hut is a sit-down restaurant serving family-style noodles, meat, and dumplings in addition to pizza.  One night my sister brought home a delicious egg cake for me from KFC.

We preformed a final tai chi routine to wrap up our tai chi/kung fu unit at school.

Acceptable moments and durations to honk in Chinese traffic:
Too lazy to turn on blinker (3 sec)
Trying to win chicken with a grandma on a moped (10 sec)
Entering someone else's blind spot (2 sec)
Bored (to your enjoyment)
Running late (multiple 1 sec bursts)
Seeing an American (5 sec and stare)

1 comment:

  1. The honking must get really annoying for you then, haha. Chinese people do like to stare and get all up in your personal space. Is that Neale in the Tai Chi picture?
