Wednesday, January 31, 2018

England & Canada

My family spent a week together in London at the end of 2017.  We rang in the New Year with the crowds in Trafalgar Square, where we could see and hear Big Ben.  That was right after dinner and dessert in Chinatown in Soho, which was my favorite area of the city.

Tower Bridge outside Tower of London where we saw the Crown Jewels

In the maze outside Hampton Court Palace (residence of Henry VIII)
V&A Museum (of decorative arts and design)

Enjoying the Japanese food of London
Tate Modern

Rosetta Stone in the British Museum
Roman baths in Bath
After riding the London Eye
Stonehenge (VERY windy)

After London, I spent a week skiing with other Yalies at Mont Tremblant in the fabulous francophone Canadian province of Quebec.  I'd been to Quebec, Montreal, and Mont Tremblant before with my family--and I ate at the same crepe place again this time.  One the way back, I entered the United States by car for the first time ever.  It was as easy as going through a toll booth, but free.