Friday, August 7, 2015


U.S. embassy's ranking of the daily air quality!

China's ranking of the daily air quality! As you can see, they actually rank the pollution worse than the U.S.  China has been pretty honest and proactive with dealing with its air quality issues.  Supposedly they're cleaning the air so it's constantly getting better and within a matter of years will be entirely safe again.

A typical day with not so good air quality.  The 'fog' outside is actually the haze/smog from air pollution.  Sometimes the air feels slightly thick and has a bit of a scent.  Doesn't bother me but some of my classmates wear masks.

At least on campus there is a big antismoking campaign.  This poster says "Smoking is very ugly" and "Love me? Then don't hurt me!"  In China, girls almost never smoke, but Chinese men, particularly in the past, have been under a lot of societal pressure to conform to the norm of smoking.

Gray Beijing sky at nighttime over the track.   I try to only run outside on the slightly better days or at night.  Some of my friends say they feel congested after they exercise outside. 

The third year teachers playing tug-o-war on the track after class to defend our honor.

Raining inside our dorm during a storm.

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